Punk Rock Flea Market.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
10:00 am to 12:00 midnight
2407 1st Ave. in Belltown (seattle)
Not too sure what to expect but I'm going and looking forward to it. There will be bands starting at 6pm. The market opens at 10am so I don't think I will sell past 6 or so, so come early! As we get closer i'll give you my blog readers a special preview! If you are going to be there too let me know.
The Underground Events Center, Belltown's newest off-the-map
clubhouse, is hosting Seattle's first-in-a-long time PUNK ROCK FLEA
MARKET! The Punk Rock Flea Market will be held on Saturday September
15 at 2407 1st Ave. in Belltown, in the big basement bar formerly
known as the Downunder. Doors open at 10:00 am. Live bands take the
stage at 6:00 pm, with music from local acts Tiny Manhood, the Sea Donkeys & Geist.
Whether you're into vintage treasures, hunting for new music, looking
for customized clothing, hoping for handcrafted household goods or a
searching for a "gently used" Macbook, you'll be sure to find many
hidden treasures at this Belltown bazaar.
For this first experiment, we are featuring creators and purveyors of
secondhand and vintage clothing, housewares, used records, cds,
videos, books, buttons, political propaganda, tote bags made of felt
and feathers, handmade herbal soaps and candles, body balms, lotions
and bath salts, cards and postcards, action figures, knick-knacks,
clutter, lampshades, belt buckles, bicycles, jewelry, comic books,
video games and gaming systems, computer hardware, screenprinted
t-shirts, art prints, buttons, baby clothes, leather goods, haircuts,
massage and acupuncture, on-site tailoring, toys, smoking
paraphernalia, tattoos, face painting and much much more.