Thursday, June 12, 2008

happy interracial marriage day!

Today is the 41st anniversary of the Loving Decision that killed the completely insane, so called Racial Integrity Acts that were on the books up until 1967! and made it a criminal act to marry someone of a different race. Isn't that amazing.

I can't think of my life without my hubby and although I'm sure we would have still been together if we met 40+ years ago, we sure wouldn't have had it as easy as we have. We are all so indebted to the amazing people involved in the civil rights movement. And I don't just mean those of directly effected, but everyone. Each time basic human rights are realized for a group of people the world becomes a better place. A place you can feel better and better about raising your children in.

So today I am happy and grateful. This weekend is Pride here in Portland, get out support this group of people in securing their human rights. See you at the parade!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your union seems so natural, so right, it is hard to believe anyone would have ever questioned it. I do understand the reality of the past is brutal and unfair and I for one am grateful that you can be the wonderful couple you are without having to face what the Lovings and so many others did. Your open and kind hearts will make the future better for others who must face small mindedness and unfounded hatred just to live their lives in peace and acceptance.