Friday, February 27, 2009
the second cutest dog in the world
Pandora Station #1
Living Rooms
if you're like me your home is a living, breathing, changing animal. i rearrange, move decoration, bring new items in, take old things out, constantly. i respond to my moods and what i totally believe is the mood of my home, and adjust, improve and mess up all of my previous carefully placed arrangements. i also have a house mate, my hubby and he has ideas from time to time so we move things around then too.
i like many of you are addicted to decorating and design porn (see link list to the right) but i always wonder how the rooms got that way and what they look like as the seasons change, when someone gets a bug at 10pm to rearrange the living room or they are just messy on a Tuesday night.
I came across these photos today from Ana Laura Perez via Daily Candy and I just love see a beautiful room in a couple different states.
I think I'm going to start a Flickr group for this. Yes!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Christmas in February
I was browsing though blog links that I haven't had time to peruse as of late and I had a chance to catch up with Somethings Hiding in There. These two are so inspiring. I love the team work and the sweetness. I really loved this photo of their Christmas Tree. I am so going to have to copy the stump idea (i hope that's ok) It brings that wonderful out in the woods feeling right inside of Christmas. I also am digging Stephen's wrapping job, Hubby love is also an amzing gift wrapper, I'll have to do a post about that soon.In other Christmas news, I still haven finished gifts for a certain side of our family but I am close and should have a package in the mail within a week. Once they get it I will be excited to share photos of the lovley handmadness.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Complicated Conversation
I have been neglecting my esty shop (although i think of it fondly and often) but yesterday Creashines Design included by scarf, "Complicated Conversation" in her Treasury and then this treasury was put on the front page!I sold the scarf (thank you!) and now I am inspired to get back to my machine and sweaters. It's so funny how selling something can give you such a boost. It's the connection that I really enjoy, someone out there liked something I made. I feel a special connection with all of my Esty customers, gotta get busy and make more!
One of the little things I do with my shop is write fun little descriptions for my items. Here is the description for this scarf.
"Gray and Pink met at a club one night and spent the next 48 hours together. Their conversations touched on the the unexpected, and those topics to complicated for regular conversation. If I was to show you what it felt like, it would look like this."
is my model lovely?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
it's the....
who knows why some things will cause you to update your blog after close to 2 months, but this video is it for me.
ha! if only i was so clever. i love responses to everyday life especially when the life is mine. i need to go to Trader Joes tonight. i shall be singing a long as i bop down the aisles.
p.s. it's the horseradish white chedder they don't have anymore.
Thanks for the link T.