Monday, September 10, 2007

Switch plates = instant design

Light switch plates are one of my favorite decorating tools that I always forget about. They take about two minutes to install but the effect on the room is great. They are a wonderful way to make a design impact on a rental that you aren't allowed to paint or put wall paper up.

If you are moving someone into a dorm room or their first apartment this month these would make a great gift and be something they can take with them as they move from apartment to apartment over the next few years.

Here's a few that I like from etsy.

Anthropologie has this lovely one on sale, regularly $24 now just $7.95 !
or better yet make your own.

Coffee can light switch plates
Old Tie Upholstered plates


Sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days. my hubby took me out of town to Sleeping Lady an amazing retreat center in Leavenworth, WA. I will post some photos later this week and maybe of a video of Rudi in the river which is priceless. Let's start a great week everyone!


amber {daisy chain} said...

that top is one is SO pretty! thanks for the heads-up. also - you're cauliflower soup description sounds fab - can you send me your recipe?

Anonymous said...

I love these switch plates! I've always thought I'd get around to making my own from funky vintage wallpaper, but, surprise surprise I haven't yet. Lovely blog!